CFB Contracting LLC


In 1976 I started CFB Contracting.   Originally I remodeled homes and did home repairs.    Gradually I became interested in  environmental issues.    Through many friendships with people in the scientific community I began to see a need  to repair problems impacting streams,  lakes,  and rivers.  

In 1992 I joined the International Erosion Control Association and began my education to change the focus of my business.    In 2005 I stopped working as a remodeler and began the present business of installing cisterns,  dredging ponds,   stream bank repairs,  and storm water / standing water issues, building and repairing Storm Water Control Measures,  converting impervious surfaces.

Today I am fortunate to have twelve years of experience in the field as well as many classes at NC State University / the Biological Agricultural Engineering  section.   I have certificates for stream repairs,   Stormwater Control Measures (known as BMP's) .   I love my work because every day is a new challenge and opportunity!   

I am forever grateful to my best friend and teacher Dr. Martin B.  Berg at  Loyola University in  Chicago.  


I operate a true environmental company,  working in and with nature.